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  1. Factoring
    1. Factor : When a polynomial is expressed as the product of two or more polynomials, each polynomial is called a factor of the original polynomial.
    2. Factoring : The process of expressing a polynomial as the product of its factors. It is essentially the reverse process of expansion.

  2. Factoring Using Common Factors
    1. Common Factor : A factor that is common to all terms of a polynomial.
    2. Factoring Using Common Factors : If a polynomial has a common factor in each term, you can factor it out using the distributive property:

Factoring Formulas

  1. Perfect Square Formulas

    1. Perfect Square Polynomial : An expression that is a square of a binomial, or a constant multiple of such an expression.
    2. Conditions for a Perfect Square Polynomial
      1. For to be a perfect square, must satisfy:
      2. For to be a perfect square, must satisfy:

  2. Difference of Squares

  3. Factoring Quadratic Expressions

    1. Find two numbers whose product equals the constant term.
    2. Find two numbers and whose sum equals the coefficient of .
    3. Express the quadratic as .

  4. Factoring General Quadratic Expressions

    1. List two numbers whose product equals the coefficient of .
    2. List two numbers whose product equals the constant term.
    3. Ensure that the diagonal products sum to the coefficient of .
    4. Express the quadratic as .

Factoring Complex Polynomials

  1. Factoring Polynomials with Common Parts
    Substitute the common part with a variable and use a factoring formula:

  2. Factoring Polynomials with Four Terms
    Group terms in pairs to create common factors:
    1. Group into terms terms.
    2. Group into terms term or term terms to create a difference of squares, .

  3. Factoring Polynomials with Five or More Terms
    Organize the terms in descending order of powers of a variable with the lowest degree.

Calculations Using Factoring Formulas

  1. Calculating Numbers
    Use factoring formulas to simplify and calculate numbers:
    1. Factoring Out Common Factors

    2. Using Perfect Square Formula

    3. Using Difference of Squares


  2. Calculating the Value of an Expression
    Factor the given expression and then substitute the values of the variables to find the result.

Example. Find the value of when .


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