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Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Measures of Central Tendency

  1. Representative Value
    A value that represents the overall central tendency or characteristic of the data.
  2. Median
    The middle value when data is arranged in increasing order.
    • If the number of data points is odd, the median is the single middle value.
    • If the number of data points is even, the median is the average of the two middle values.
  3. Mode
    • The value(s) that appear most frequently in the data.
    • Unlike the mean or median, which are always single values, the mode can be more than one value depending on the data.


  1. Dispersion
    A measure of how spread out the data is, represented by a single value.
  2. Deviation
    • Deviation (Value of the data point) (Mean)
      The deviation of a data point is the difference between the value and the mean of the data set.
    • The sum of deviations for a data set is always .
  3. Variance and Standard Deviation
    • Variance: The average of the squared deviations from the mean.
    • Standard Deviation: The non-negative square root of the variance.
    • A larger variance or standard deviation indicates that the data points are more spread out from the mean, while a smaller variance or standard deviation suggests that the data points are more closely clustered around the mean.

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