Law of Sines
In a triangle , if the radius of its circumcircle is , then:
Note: In triangle , let the angles be denoted by , , , and the lengths of the sides opposite these angles by respectively.

Let be the center of the circumcircle of triangle . We can prove the equation by considering three cases where is acute, right, or obtuse.
Case i. (Acute Angle)
Draw the diameter through and the center . Since , we have:
In triangle , since :
Thus, , or .
Case ii: (Right Angle)
When , , so .
Thus, .
Case iii. (Obtuse Angle)
Draw the diameter through and the center . Since , we have:
In triangle , since :
Thus, , or .
From cases i, ii, and iii, we conclude that the equation holds regardless of the size of .